Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Valentines nails part one

Following on from my previous post, i ahve also been practising my nails for my valentines weekend:)

This was what i have come up with so far, i bought 26 Cheeky plates- similar to Konad, form amazon for less than £20 so i have been playing alot!

Obviously this was before i tidied up the edges!
I used Rimmel Lycra wear in a birght red on the thumb, a dark pink Barry M on my index finger, Barbie Pink Revlon and the middle finger, Barry M pink glitter on the ring finger and finally a clear/light pink on my pinky! I love these little motifs!

How are you doing your nails for valentines?

Kayla xxx

1 comment :

  1. hiiii!!! ı like your blog, looking sweet :))) ıf you follow me, ı'm happy...


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