Saturday, 2 February 2013

50 shades of Kay.....

So everyone is doing these 50 facts about me posts, (again) so i thought this time i would join in:)

1. I have the innate ability to suck the heat out of objects. My hands and feet are always freezing, we tested this by putting my hands on my boyfriends chest. after i moved them there was a cold patch in the shape of my hand.

2. Im obsessed by series killers and murderers. I love watching documentaries on them, and want to buy one of those dvd box sets.

3. I was brought up pretty much entirely by my grandparents, and i think thats why sometimes i can be a little old fashioned.

4. My family all say i am quite old before my time, i grew up fast.

5. Im stingy. I hate spending money on anything and always try and find bargains. I joined wowcher, groupon and i even follow blogs by mums for good money saving tips around the house.

6. I LOVE yorkshire puddings. I would rather sit and eat a bag of yorkshire puddings, dunked in gravy than any other snack like popcorn etc.

7. I find it hard to trust people

8. Part of me always wanted to be a beautician, and i still want to do a few beauty courses after university,

9. I would rather spend the night in bed with a good book or watching a film with a cup of tea and toast, than go out drinking- im not your average student 

10. I sometimes worry that i dont have a specific "look". I still like to try out different ones and enjoy lots of different styles.

11. I have never been to America but would love to!

12. I have had a recurring dream since i was just a kid- that i am Catwoman.

13. I suffer from really bad night terrors

14. I also deal with stress really badly. I pretty much always lose my voice and i often have panic attacks

15. My favourite band is Duran Duran

16. I have been with my boyfriend Aaron for over two years

17. I am desperate to own my own dog, a westie or scottie preferably.

18. I am obsessed with Hello Kitty- for no logical reason.

19. I am naturally ginger

20. I spend my private time making jewellery to sell- the facebook page is *here*

21. I am an only child

22. I love cooking. No one ever taught me, but i just seem to have the knack of it...

23. I nearly died a few years ago, and my immune system is now impaired. So i have to be very careful of bugs.

24. I am scared of Drs, and Dentists

25. I work for the NHS and i LOVE my job. I also love the girls at work, both reception and the nursing staff

26. Im moving in with my Dad soon and really looking forward to it. I haven't lived with him since i was about 2!

27. Its my overall dream to grow old happy and have a little boutique somewhere with home made crafted gifts instore. May seem a waste of my degree but if i had the money, id totally do it!

28. If i won the lottery, i would pay off my parents debts, buy myself a boob job as i have wanted one for years. I would then buy me and my partner a brilliant holiday, and finally buy a nice property somewhere, maybe the cotswalds, where we can run off at a moments notice for a weekend away. The rest  would save so that i would always be comfortable- and if i had kids i would have enough to support them

29. My first word was panda

30. My favourite animal is a koala bear

31. I love horror films, but i scare super easy and am a total wimp!

32. I love being taken out for meals by my boyfriend. I am super skinny but i eat more than most people!

33. I love indian food but im not a fan of anything too spicy. 

34. (In case you hadnt noticed!) I love nail art

35. I never buy clothes full priced! I love Topshop, but there are so many places on ebay that do copies for a fraction of the cost!

36. I only found out i was dyslexic half way through my A levels, but still got all A's and B's at GCSE.

37. I love Ann Summers underwear, it just fits soooo nicely even though i am very small.

38. I like to take up the whole bed.....

39. The Sims is about the only thing that unwinds me recently

40. I am a bit of a control freak

41. I am a workaholic

42.  I dont really like twitter much

43. I love candles:) I could spend a fortune on them.

44. I was the last kid at school to lose my milk teeth, in fact i had 8 removed as they never fell out (strong teeth:P)

45. My favourite flowers are lilies, followed by roses. 

46. I am a hopeless romantic

47. I am too easily distracted....

48. I love a clean house, I just don't always want to clean it

49. I am very forgetful, i have to write everything down...

50. I love tattoos and would love to get some more:)

Kayla xxx

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