Tuesday, 26 February 2013

London Fashion Week Day 4

Monday 18th
Louise Gray

Loud and proud
Crazy  bright prints adorned these garments, bubbles and stripes in clashing alternate colours.

As well as the colours, some of the materials were a little alternative, one garment appeared to have a miniature silver flight pillow attached as a brooch.

One model appeared to be wearing pretty green patterned wellies while others seemed to be wearing polystyrene balls dangling form their ears.

“I’m into recycling – it’s a nice concept,” the designer smiled after the show.

Yet on top of the crazy accessories, the outfits themselves were very carefully constructed and tailored.


Erdem went for a darker theme, choosing hues of darker navy blues. They still opted for a hint of the yellow seen across the catwalks, but in much smaller details, such as the tiny floral prints that Erdem is becoming known for.

Its pretty and ladylike, all things lace but with darker colours, without simply sticking to the usual black option.

On top of the florals use of feathers added to the texture- both underneath sheer fabrics and on top.

Kayla xxx

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