Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Grammys fashion

Award season will soon be at an end so I am making the most of all the style inspiration. This week we had both the Grammys and the Baftas! So i will start with the round up of the Grammys fashion hits and misses

Florence Welch was dubbed one of the worst dressed of the evening. In a weird way.. I kind of like it. Yes it looks a bit like a dinosaur... but the colour is amazing and in a way it suits her personality. A toned down version would be seen on stars such as Blake Lively, why shouldn't Florence add little dinosaur horns to make this more her? The dress is by Givenchy Couture.

This is my favourite look of the night. The hair is beautiful, elegant but effortless. Its nice to see Rihanna looking good, and not trampy! I am sick of seeing her try to dress all gangster or S+M as a desperate attempt to divert everyones attention to her, THIS is how it is done! I really hope she continues with this style of dressing, she looks stunning and it reminds me of how she used to look when she first came on to the scene. I had not heard of the designer Azzedine Alaia but i will look them up now! 

And this is my least favourite. I am a huge Adele but this (although a beautiful Valentino dress) is not right for her. It makes her look alot bigger than she is, and considering she has lost weight since her first album it is a real shame. The bottom half extends out quite a long way adding lots of inches, she could have done with a loose fitting empire line rather than the A-line skirt.

I am not really sure what to make of this dress. if it was all the same material it may look sexy and sleek but honestly the top half being a shiny material, with the bandage strappy look just screams Halle Berry as Catwoman... I just do not like it! this dress too is Azzedine Alaia

This one too I am torn about. It looks beautiful from this angle but the cut outs look a bit dangerous so I am worried that the minute she walks she will end up exposing herself!! It could do with a little more coverage around the crotch area and slightly thicker bits around the breasts, just a cm or two more material would make this sexy but not likely to fall out! However I do love the general style. Dress by Georges Chakra

Justin looking as sleek as ever! I love how he takes a classic look but changes a small thing, his shoes pop with the monochrome style, and I am not quite sure what the texture is on his jacket but it is certainly eye catching. He was dressed by Tom Ford whom he is apparently collaborating with.... one to keep an eye out for...

Kayla xxx

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