Monday, 18 February 2013

New York Fashion Week Day 5

Sunday 10th February 

Victoria Beckham

What i really love about the clothes in this collection is that you could easily see Victoria Beckham herself in these garments. She designs not just for her customers but for herself too and will not have something in her collection that she would not wear herself. Her pieces always have a structure to them, but also a lot of volume. Along with her classic black looks, she has chosen a bright yellow and purple colour pallet to add bright bursts of colour. The fabrics ooze luxury and i love the little tuxedo style details. 
Diane Von Furstenberg

The DVF woman has confidence, and even the models going down the catwalk were smiling with a sense of confidence. There was a lot of quality material, chiffon, backless gowns and figure friendly jumpsuits. My personal favourite is the last one, just above this- its oozes effortless chic. the patterns are a bit 70's but more modern.

Zac posen

Zac Posen creations are not known for being day to day wear. The bodies of the gowns and tops are sculpted and corseted with embroidered and bejewelled detailing.

Zac Posen has gone for dark crimsons and navy blues within this range, with occasional clashing jolts of brighter tones e.g yellow.
The gowns are definitely more inspiring than the other garments, and although they have a beautiful vintage feel, i felt like i am getting a bit bored of the vintage look and the dark wine colours, and was hoping for more modernity from the brand. That said the fabrics look so soft and the cut so elegant especially in the red dress above.

Kayla xxx

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