Sunday, 24 February 2013

Goodness me i have a lot of blogs to do! Keep posted for my London Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week updates!
However we also have the not-so-small matter of the Oscars!

Before i do a big post on the outfits, i found an article which exposes all the things that everyone gets in their "Goodie Bag" regardless of wether they win or not. I have heard many things about the goodie bags at award ceremonies having lush things in such as posh bottle water and beauty products, but i genuinely found this quite shocking.

Each nominee leaves with a goodie bag containing over $45 000 worth of stuff


The amount of money that must be spent on this? As if the actors and actresses do not already get paid enough- and receive enough freebies.

Things included:
Oscar hopefuls will receive holidays to locations including Australia and Mexico. Now i would be happy with just this! Scratch that.... ECSTATIC!

They also get given, condoms and bottles of window cleaner? Maybe this is for cleaning their lovely new award

More showy gifts include vouchers for boot camps and weight loss camps, personal training sessions, acupuncture and massages, and apparently this year nominees with receive a voucher for a cosmetic surgery treatment- The Vampire Facelift- said to be worth roughly $5000.

Is this not all just a bit much? These people earn a ridiculous salary, and yet anything they want really they can get for free? It all seems a bit mad to me!

Kayla xxxx

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