Monday, 7 January 2013

OOTD 06/01/13

Casual outfit yesterday, just went round the boyfriends house to watch films.  I worse my super comfy burgundy jeggings from New Looks- however i must say their sizing is crazy. I bought these and some denim ones, the denim ones were to replace my old ones which i worse so much the bum wore out! I literally bought the same set in the same size and honestly these new ones are HUGE in comparison. I am going to have to put a few stitches in them! For now i guess ill make the most of my belts i got for Christmas! I paired them with a plain brown strappy top i bought from Primark years ago- i am amazed its still in one piece baring in mind that it cost £1.50! And i kept warm by wearing a plain black cardigan from H+M, and this cute scarf, also from Primark. The skull pattern seems to be on trend again, but i preferred this one as its not too garish, and even when the trend of skulls is over i think i could still wear it. The colours too seem to go with most of my wardrobe!
I also wore my heeled boots, which are super comfy. I actually borrowed these from my mum last year for my Lara Croft outfit for a friends birthday, but i liked them so much i kept them! She just bought herself new ones to replace these the other day (Sorry mum!). To finish it off i wore my necklace which i have written about in other posts.

(N.B the picture of the print on my scarf makes me chuckle, the way the scarf is hanging makes the skull look like the "Forever Alone" guy from all the internet Memes)

Kayla xxx

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