Sunday, 20 January 2013

Drew Barrymore Cosmetics Range

Seeing as she has spent most of her life in the makeup chair on movie sets, its seems logical that Drew Barrymore have an interest in cosmetics. But it goes beyond an interest, as she has now set up her own cosmetics range.

unlike most celebrity brands, she is not just putting her name on it and using her face in the adverts, but actually going through every stage of the process.

The range Flower Beauty is already being sold in Wal-Mart, and Drew Barrymore has insisted that she wants the range to be affordable.

Flower Films is the name of Barrymore's production company, and it seemed a natural for a beauty brand. It's pretty, uplifting and happy - and it could be the most ornate rose or the simplest daisy, just like the woman wearing it.

Kayla xxx

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