Sunday, 20 January 2013

Beauty UK Nail Varnish Review

Some cheap makeup brands are cheap for a reason
Cheap nail varnishes often flake off very quickly, or the colours aren't as strong.

Not the case for Beauty UK nail varnishes
I bought these 3 sets from Beauty UK

My favourite is probably the purple from the metallic range

Just two thin coats gives even coverage with plenty of colour- plus i wore it for a week, in which i did a lot of household chores, cleaning and went to work (i am a receptionist and it plays havoc with my nails!) and by the end of the week had barely any chips in the paint, yet when i use more expensive brands i tend to have more chips. I didn't even use a topcoat.

My mum loves them too- this is her with the bright metallic green on

The sets of 6 mini varnishes are £4.99 each- Cheap as chips!
However i got mine EVEN cheaper!
Beauty UK have a stall at The Clothes Show Live, which i go to most years in Birmingham. Here i bought all 3 of the above sets, for £5 in total! BARGAIN

I am very tempted to try more of their products now, clearly cheap does not always mean less quality!

Kayla xxx

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