Sunday, 28 July 2013

Air hostess.... I like the way you dress

I always fancied myself as an air hostess- travelling the world, seeing the sights, and i have always admired the appearance of air hostesses, always polished.

'Trolly dollies' are known for their good looks and smart appearance, so really i wasnt at all suprised to hear that Richard Branson has asked a top designer to create the new uniforms for the Virgin Air Stewards and Stewardesses. I was however auprised that said designer would be Vivienne Westwood!   With th uniforms usually quite simple and plain, i wasnt sure how this would remain with Vivienne Westwood in charge of the designs. That said, i forgot to consider her incredible knowledge of tailoring  and form.

The collaboration between the 2 british brands is sqid to be a longterm thing.... Suddenly im wondering if i should become an air hostess after all! 

The designs i have to say are lovely. There are indications that they are influenced by the 1940's, and of course they are beautifully tailored. The women are dressed in a red suit, while the men wear a burgandy 3 piece suit

The new uniforms are said to be introduced this month

What do you think of them? 

Kayla xxx

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