Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Style Crush : Keira Knightley

I have always been a huge fan of Keira Knightley, i idolize her looks, and how she holds herself in the public eye. She knows when to remain private, and how to stay well known without being seen as a celebrity.

She has recently got married, and in a contrast to many celebrity weddings, it was all completed under the radar, even the guests did not know about the ceremony until the last minute. Instead of a dress costing thousands of pounds, she wore a simple white dress that she had previously worn to a celebrity event years before. The few photos that have surfaced of her wedding, look beautiful. She looks her usual, effortlessly chic (no doubt having a low key wedding has reduced her stress levels!) 

I believe she is someone to admire, and i know i would rather my future children look up to someone like her, than celebrities from reality TV or diva pop stars.

On a personal note i really admire the way that she has refused to change how she looks to make her more Hollywood  She has been plagued with constant rumors of an eating disorder due to her natural slender frame, something i can relate to. YES she is super skinny, but as pictures show, she has always been that way, its her natural shape. I always find it unfair when people make up stories and do not consider how it makes the person feel. I also think it is unfair when people call naturally skinny people 'too skinny'. I suffer from this and i cant tell, you how much it hurts to hear ' oh you are far too skinny, you need to put on some weight, it doesn't look good.' If i was not eating to look this weight- then fair enough, but the truth is, this is my natural form!  So basically you are saying i am naturally awful looking. Also i find it funny that its ok to call someone too skinny, yet most of us would consider it rude to go up to someone and tell them that they are too fat! 

Keira has also refused to have breast implants or any other surgery to further her career, and this seems rare in todays society!

Anyway, as well as all of this, she always dresses impeccably! These are just a few of my favourite Keira moments.

I love this whimsical look, it reminds me of A Midsummer Nights Dream

Luxurious red silk for Chanel

Looking beautiful and carefree on her wedding day

At a premiere

I want this outfit so bad, very cute, in Vogue

Green silk dress worn in Atonement

Beautiful rich purple

White grecian column dress

This dress was later auctioned off for charity

Who is your stle crush?

Kayla xxx

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