Monday, 24 June 2013

Great Gatsby

Forgive the delay in posting, it has been such a busy time in my personal life that its been hard to keep on top of blogging! However i have so much to post about, fear not.

Now going to the cinema is something i do pretty much only with my partner. However sometimes there are films that we dont always both want to see. I desperately wanted to see the Great Gatsby, having studied it at college, and it being one of the reasons i went from hating English at school, to adoring my literature classes. Obviously as a fashion student i was equally keen to see the film in order to check out the beautiful costumes (courtesy of Prada.)

Not surprisingly my partner did not share my enthusiasm. I did not particularly wish to see this film on my own, im not brave enough to go to a cinema on my own! Fortunately my mum accompanied me on this little trip, and after talking to a few friends it seems i was not alone, quite a few of my friends also took their mums to see the film.

I had mixed emotions about the film. When you study a text so intently, you only set yourself up for disappointment, you read all the lines in your head and imagine how it would all be portrayed, and if the actors interpret it differently, it just isnt the same. I have to say though, on the whole i really did enjoy the film. There were a few lines which i read differently, but generally i felt it was interpreted really well, it still held a 1920's theme but still seemed really modern, as if we were experiencing the 1920's for the first time too.

Im not a huge fan of Carey Mulligan, she kind of came out of nowhere and became a bit of a fad, but she had a hard role to play and i really think she did a great job. i never thought anyone would do Daisy justice but i enjoyed her interpretation of the role.

Everything about the film oozed glamour, the set the brilliant costumes and the way they portrayed Gatsbys famous parties.

Carey really suits the 20's look as seen here in Vogue.

"A knee-length dress in octane-coloured tulle, lined in matching silk cady and embellished with Swarovski crystals."

"A bustier dress, embroidered with pearls, stones and sequinned fringing, inspired by a modern take on the Twenties silhouette."

"An orange organza dress, covered with plastic, scale-like, sequin embroidery, inspired by Prada's autumn/winter 2011-12 show."

"A multi-striped sequinned dress embroidered with plastic, inspired by Prada's spring/summer 2011 collection"

What did everyone else think of the film, and the costumes? I would love to hear your opinions.

Kayla xxx

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