Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Good Evening!
Well as usual life has been rather hectic. Im writing this today 6 weeks away from my wedding date, and 1 month after starting my new job, which has been a fantastic move. I loved my old job so much and was devastated to leave, but I have settled into my new job really well and I feel really secure in it. I have noticed I am feeling a lot healthier and I now switch off when I get home of an evening, which I never had before.

Since last September my life appears to have been consumed by wedding things, I almost worry I will be bored after the wedding as I wont spend so much time on one thing. It got me thinking about other people weddings. My partner and my family have always said I should work for an events firm as I am so organised, and recently I have been thinking about how much I would love to be a wedding planner. Obviously I am aware there is a huge difference between arranging your own wedding and arranging someone else's, but honestly I think I would be very good at it, I have surprised everyone with how calm I have been. I am prone to stress about everything so the fact that I have been so calm and relaxed about everything has been really quite surprising.

So I was looking on the internet at wedding related articles and I found a picture of a beautiful cake, which instantly reminded me of my friend, and bridesmaid Hanna. She loves everything to do with Alice in wonderland, so with that in mind I began to explore the theme of Alice in Wonderland and relate it back to weddings, and I was surprised how much imagery I could find. I came up with lots of ideas and got quite excited thinking about other themes that could be applied to weddings- for example, how amazing would a Great Gatsby wedding be?

What do you think would make an interesting wedding theme?

x x x 

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