Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Real Life Disney

It is well documented that i have an extreme love for Disney. I cannot place my finger on why, maybe i love the idea of a perfect reality, or maybe it takes me back to my childhood.

However my love for Disney has just grown. New York-based animation artist Jeff Hong, 35, has imagined some of the company's most popular characters battling the grim conditions of the  real world. 

These images are so powerful. They remind me a bit of Banksys work, using basic images to display a powerful meaning.

These image display Disney characters facing issues we see every day in reality- from poverty to pollution, and even the worlds obsession with image and appearance.

Pollution of our oceans meets the little mermaid

Homelessness meets cinderella

Mulan battles the polluted smoggy air

Winnie the Pooh is surrounded by deforestation

Belle feels pressure to change how she looks

Bambi becomes ornamental

101 Dalmations are treated badly and taken away from their owners

Ratatouille is used for animal testing

Simba is taken out of his natural habitat and placed in a zoo

Dumbo is poorly treated by a cruel circus master

Robin Hood is restrained after rioting

Alice becomes involved with illegal substances

Tiana is affected by racism

Esmerelda is homeless and afraid

What do you think of these images?


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