Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Real Life Disney

It is well documented that i have an extreme love for Disney. I cannot place my finger on why, maybe i love the idea of a perfect reality, or maybe it takes me back to my childhood.

However my love for Disney has just grown. New York-based animation artist Jeff Hong, 35, has imagined some of the company's most popular characters battling the grim conditions of the  real world. 

These images are so powerful. They remind me a bit of Banksys work, using basic images to display a powerful meaning.

These image display Disney characters facing issues we see every day in reality- from poverty to pollution, and even the worlds obsession with image and appearance.

Pollution of our oceans meets the little mermaid

Homelessness meets cinderella

Mulan battles the polluted smoggy air

Winnie the Pooh is surrounded by deforestation

Belle feels pressure to change how she looks

Bambi becomes ornamental

101 Dalmations are treated badly and taken away from their owners

Ratatouille is used for animal testing

Simba is taken out of his natural habitat and placed in a zoo

Dumbo is poorly treated by a cruel circus master

Robin Hood is restrained after rioting

Alice becomes involved with illegal substances

Tiana is affected by racism

Esmerelda is homeless and afraid

What do you think of these images?


Monday, 19 May 2014


The Cannes Film Festival celebrates its 67th anniversary this month.

The Daily Mail showed an article with sketches of the most famous Cannes red carpet dresses and i found it quite nostalgic to look back on all these iconic dresses. It makes you wonder what dresses from this generation will go on to be iconic and admired by my children, and even grandchildren.

I love these sketches, im tempted to draw them out and paint them on a canvas to hang in my room (not sure my fiance will agree with the decor!) . I am particularly taken with the dresses of Monica Bellucci and Paz Vega- but maybe thats just because i am a sucker for a red dress.

Which of these is your favourite?



So less uni work means more time for personal projects... including watching TV... ahem researching!
The TV Bafta Awards were this week and there was a definite trend in the style of dresses worn.

I love watching the award shows just to see what people wear! While some seem to look amazing, there are always those who either disappoint with a  rather lack lustre outfit, or wear something totally bizarre- and not in the good way.

At the Baftas- Black was the new black. Personally i love a black dress, i love how you can take the whole look back and focus on one thing, be it crazy accessories, or big hair, or an unusual cut of dress.  I love the elegance that a black dress denotes, the classic style it emulates. Think classic Chanel, or even the one and only Givenchy dress from Breakfast at Tiffanys.

One of my favourite looks of the night was by Helena Bonham- Carter. It is no secret that i adore this woman. I think she is so interesting and intrinsically beautiful and creative. I love this look on her, she always dresses her own way, but while the dress itself is more understated than her usual style, the glasses add a little punch of wackyness. She oozes glamour here while still retaining her own style- and i think she looks stunning.

Another of my favourite black dresses was by Broadchurch star Jodie Whittaker. This style is so simple but just different enough to make her stand out. She looks flawless and effortless.

Caroline Flack wore a long gown which looked gorgeous- showing she doesn't need to display her amazing legs to look smoking. It reminds me of some of Vivienne Westwoods dresses with the volume and origami style folds. 

James Cordens wife Julia Carey looked drop dead gorgeous, and announced she is also expecting! Im not sure if its the baby or the dress, but she looked beautiful. Her dress was elegant but the gold detailing reminds me of Alexander McQueens designs, and perfectly matched her clutch bag.

I usually do not look to Sophie Ellis-Bextor for a style icon but i really liked her dress this year. Like her i have very pale skin and it is very difficult to find clothes that do not wash you out- and indeed makeup can also pose a huge problem. She looks amazing here and manages a smokey eye highlighting her pale skin rather than washing herself out.

Who were you favourites from the Baftas this year? And what is your ultimate black dress?


Catching up

So i know i promised to post more, well i have finally finished my degree- so now i can dedicate more time to this!

A lot has happened recently and to be honest it has all been overwhelming! I am now looking forward to focusing on my health and finding a job that will hopefully lead to a career.

Expect lots of wedding updates and hopefully (fingers crossed) updates on the job situation!

Thanks for sticking with me

Kayla xxx