Thursday, 7 March 2013

Milan Fashion Week- Day 3

Friday 22


For Milan, this collection appeared to be very british. Red tartan and checks, equestrian style hats and military inspired jackets stole the show.
"I love everything that is British, I have from the beginning. I always do, anytime," 

My personal favourite was the full chequered suit, it appears to add curves to the model and its so funky.

To add to the british feel, models strutted their stuff to the sounds of british music such as Blur and Oasis.


Well, this is not really my type of collection, but certainly is bold.
I don't think i ever seen so much PVC in my life!!! The entire collection seemed to be based on PVC, vinyl, studs, tight sexy dresses etc... It certainly is not for the fainthearted! 
All these pieces will be watered down and made into something a little more wearable. but knowing Donatella, one could easily picture her wearing these garments as they are on the runway.
Kayla xxx

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