Thursday, 20 December 2012

Cassadee Pope voice winner

So the American show The Voice has been really popular in the UK,  focusing more on talent than our usual show the Xfactor. However our series ended a while ago, while the American series has only just finished. However, i was qute annoyed by the result of the latest series. The winner was announced as Cassadee Pope. Cassadee Pope.. to those that do not already know, was the lead singer of popular band Hey Monday. If you havent heard of them, they are a bit like Paramore, female singer, male band members.... but just less good. She also had a solo career, and is STILL currently signed to a record label.

To to put this bluntly, she joined a TV show which is about winnign a record deal, for people with genuine singing talent not interested in just fame. Yet she has already had a record deal with her band, and her own solo one. i just don't understand it, why would she need to use TV to get a deal when she already has one? It seems unfair to those other talented people who needed that break. To me it jsut seems like she was using it to raise her publicity. What do you think? Am i just being cynical?

Kayla xxx

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