Saturday, 24 November 2012


Hi guys!
So iv had this blog on Tumblr for a while, but i thought i would move it over to here instead! I will probably keep the tumblr going as its a useful site for finding beautiful fashion and photography images.

Its funny how fashion works. Trends, i mean. For example even with these blogs! i used to use Blogger a lot! then all of a sudden other sites became more popular, like Tumblr. Now it seems all the fashion bloggers i subscribe to and regularly read are all on blogger again!

This all kind of links in with some of my university work at the moment. I am doing a photo shoot for i-D magazine based of diversity. i wanted to to do Tattoos and Piercings because its something that interests me quite a lot! Its funny how once this was seen as quite diverse, and im sure to some older generation it still is- for example my parents would freak if they knew i wanted more ink! but it is slowly becoming more acceptable.  Nicola Formichetti kind of adopted Rick Genest as his muse, having a muse and a model working for you who is different is a good way to set yourself apart from the rest of the fashion pack. now rick is the face of Thiery Mugler! However im starting to notice more and more tattooed models in the fashion industry, for example just on the Topman website, if you look at the shirt section, the model has a tattoo on his arm. Tattoos are becoming less diverse and far more fashionable. As part of my article i want to look at the trends within tattoos- do women tend to get certain images and men others? Certainly off the top of my head i can think of 2 big trends tattoo wise- firstly about 10 celebrities got that "shh" on their fingers- well iv seen about another 30 people on facebook get that done too. Likewise when Rihanna got her stars on her neck, suddenly star tattoos were increasingly popular. (on further research it turns out Rihanna also has the "Shh" tattoo!) It seems anything can be made into a trend- i wonder whats next.

Kayla xxx

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