Saturday, 10 August 2013

All hail the red, orange and pale.

I was quite surprised when i read the newspaper this morning and found an article relating to a march through Edinburgh, made up entirely of Ginger people.

Dubbed "Ginger Pride" it was held as a protest against discrimination to people with red hair- known as Gingerism.

  • Now as a Ginger myself, i smiled when i saw this. it is surprising in this day and age that people STILL get picked on for having ginger hair! I used to dye mine but as i get older i have moved back towards my natural colour. i currently dye my hair bright red, but I'm aiming on going back to natural as soon as i can. I personally don't see why anyones hair colour makes a difference- especially if that is their natural colourings, and how they were born. I personally get picked on a lot for my pale White (sometimes even blue!) skin, and although i now tan to fit in, i feel like i would have felt different about myself if others had accepted my skin tone without ridiculing it.

So in honour of Ginger Pride- Here are my favourite Ginger fashion icons.

Lily Cole

Her modelling career began when she was just 14, and by age 16 she had been featured on the cover of Vogue. As well as this she has been featured in several films, and to top it off he has earned a double first class degree from Cambridge in the History of Art. Beauty and Brains.

Isla Fisher

An accomplished actress, and i just think she is totally stunning.

Debra Messing

Most well known for her role in Will and Grace, she is gorgeous and i have yet to find a picture of her without her smiling a genuine warm smile

To wear a red dress on a red carpet- you must be brave, and to do with with red hair too- Extra brave! but she pulls it off and looks gorgeous.

Emma Stone

There is something very likeable about Emma. Maybe for me its just because people always say  remind them of her...... oh well!

Who are you favourite red heads? (Bonus points if you say me!)

Kayla xxx

A little hair-raising.....

These pieces are made by Parisian wig maker Charlie Le Mindu. With a celebrity fan base including Lady Gag, it is no surprise that his designs are Avant Garde to say the least.

The designs are similar in concept to those used in the music video- Jack by Breach
I have been trying to find out if they are in anyway linked, if anyone finds out please let me know! If the costumes in the video are designed by someone else i would also be really interested.

What do you think about these designs?

Kayla xxx